Famous Actor Hussein Fahmy denies holding back any information about the death of the "Cinderella"

  • News
  • 12:03 PM - 4 July 2011
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Legendary actor Hussein Fahmy denied holding back any information about the mysterious death of infamous late actress "Suaad Hosni" AKA "Cinderella". These accusations were made by "Nagaat" the sister of the deceased.She added that the Actor Hussein Fahmi was in possession of a recording by Suaad Hossni that has information about her death and the people involved.Hussein Fahmi was distraught by the mere mentioning of his name in this issue. In an interview with the magazine "Laha" "For her" Hussein said :" I am surprised that I have been mentioned in such a case, everyone knows that my relationship with Suaad is a very good one,and i genuinely don't have any information about her death."Hussein Fahmi denied all accusations of him tampering with the tape recorder Suaad had made during her nomination in the film festival during his presidency.He further added that the tape is still available and could easily be examined to find out whether it has been tampered with or not.Nagaat had requested to re open the investigation of Suaad Hosni's death that occured 10 years ago, saying that Suaad had mentioned in her recording that she was targeted by one of the most dominant political figures in egyptian society "Safwat Al Sharif" and that Hussein Fahmi was in possession of such tape.

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