Actress “Wafaa Amer” waits for her new movie “the moon’s palm”

  • News
  • 04:19 AM - 18 July 2011
  • 2 photos

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After a disappearance of almost 3 years away from the cinema, actress Wafaa Amer awaits her new movie to hit the theaters, called “the moon’s palm” . Wafaa Amer’s last movie appearance was in the movie “When things get better” . She said that she hopes that the argument between actress “Ghada Abdel Razik” Starring in this movie and director Khaled Youssef will be over soon. The argument is due to the fact that Ghada supports ex president of Egypt Hossni Mubarak and director Khaled Youssef doesn’t Both Ghada and Wafaa star in the new movie along with Jumana Murad, Sabry Fawaaz and Khaled Saleh. The movie is written by Nasser abdel Rahman and directed by Khaled Youssef.

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