The Jeans is behind the slim figure of dancer "Fifi Abdo"

  • News
  • 02:26 PM - 25 July 2011
  • 3 photos

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Dancer Fifi Abdo stated to the “Tahrir” website that the reason for her slim figure is an incident that happened to her while shopping in Lebanon. She was shopping in Lebanon when she noticed a woman with a lovely figure in the most amazing jeans. It is then when she said to herself why don’t I look like this and from there she started dieting and working out. Fifi said that like any young girl she had the dream of being a model, but back then being a model required being rich and having many clothes and this was not possible at the time. Fifi is involved in a new series that is playing in Ramadan called “ Women’s Jealousy” co starring with her actress “somaya el khashaab”, “Ahmed Bedair”, “Ahmed Safwat”,”Dina fouad”, and “Mimi Gamal”

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