Singer s “Sameera Saeed” and “Chab Mami” try to repair the relationship between Morocco and Algeria through singing.

  • News
  • 12:01 PM - 1 August 2011
  • 1 photo

Sameera Saeed expressed extreme happiness that her concert with Chab Mami was a success. The concert was amongst the events that took place in the 5th tournament for “Al Rai Festival” which was attended by over 200 thousand spectators. Samira said that part of her excitement is due to the fact that she was singing with Mami again after his release from prison, in an attempt to ease the tension between the Moroccan and Algerian people. Both flags were raised on stage and the concert ended in a civilized manner. In a statement to the news paper “Al Masri Al Yom” Samira said said , that through art and music you can send messages to people. This is what happened when she sung with Mami in the concert her famous song “One Day After Another”

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