Gehan Mansour takes place of Dina Abdel Rahman TV host in the program “Goodmorning Dream”

  • News
  • 02:52 PM - 3 August 2011
  • 4 photos

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After a week of firing TV host Dina Abdel Rahman, the producers decided to give her show “Good morning Dream “ to her colleague “Gehan Mansour” while cancelling the later’s show called “ In The Square” Ahmed Bahgat who owns Dream Channel had fired TV host Dina after a telephone discussion that took place between her and General Abdel Rahman Kato The SCAF councilor after the later accused the journalist Naglaa Bedair of lying and offended her personally. Dina tried to defend Naglaa and said that it was inappropriate to say such accusations without evidence. Hundreds of people on the face book supported Dina . She currently has offers from other television stations like “Al Tahrir” and “ON TV”

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