Somaiya El Khashaab defends herself from being labeled as “materialistic” for being involved in 3 productions at one time.

  • News
  • 12:48 AM - 11 August 2011
  • 3 photos

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Actress Somaiya El Khashaab denied the fact that her involvement in 3 productions ( Valley of the Kings, Women’s rivalry and the movie One and Half Hours) has a financial motive behind it. She added that this was all unplanned. A long while back she had signed the contract for the series “Women’s rivalry” . Later on, she was shown the script for the series “Valley of the Kings” and she liked it a lot and could not refuse it. The movie “One and a half hours” inspired her because it is a thriller type that contains many social ideas. She also pointed out that she had refused many starring roles in the past.

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