Actress Athaar Al Hakeem heading to journalism after retirement of acting.

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  • 03:33 PM - 12 August 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actress Athaar Al Hakeem denied any rumors that said that she has the intention of returning to the field of acting. The reason for this in her opinion was what she called “ the corruption of the media” she believes that the media has become superficial and contemptible. It has become a burden for her to be a part of any production in the last 10 years. In an interview with TV host Amr El laithy on his program “No” Athaar said that she has no intention to wear a veil and indulge in religious counseling but she intends to get closer to God. She also added that if she were to choose a different field to work in that would be journalism provided she takes a long break first to clear her mind.

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