TV host Hala Sarhaan explains why she refuses to work in Egyptian TV

  • News
  • 11:42 AM - 21 August 2011
  • 3 photos

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In an interview with TV host Magdi El Galaad, in his program "You and Your Conscience" TV host "Hala Sarhaan" stated that during the old regime, 2 previous ministers for the media have given her a proposal to work in the Egyptian TV. However, she declined explaining that she can not function under such restrictions posed by the government and the television. She added that such restrictions will ban her from a free discussion to the topics of her choice. Other than that she has no reason depriving her from working in Egyptian TV.Hala explained that Sheikh Saleh Kamel had given her this freedom and this is the reason behind her 12 years of success. She believes that freedom is an integral part of the media. Hala said that the revolution is like the "kiss of life " for Egyptian media because everyone before the revolution was unable or not allowed to speak freely.She is excited and happy to have lived to see such a revolution.

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