International star Khaled Nabawi along with singer Ruby and actor Ahmed Al Fishawy work together to present a production that displays the crisis of the underground tunnels between Egypt and Ghaza.

  • News
  • 06:57 PM - 21 August 2011
  • 3 photos

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International star Khaled Nabawi along with singer Ruby and actor Ahmed Al Fishawy are holding intensive work sessions with director Sherif Mandour to complete the final details for the film “With Love”. Later, they will start choosing the remaining 22 characters in the movie that discusses the crisis of the underground tunnels between Egypt and Ghaza, and the Palestinian issue from a totally different perspective.Several spots have been inspected by director Sherif Mandour where the filming will take place. He has decided upon Al Areesh, Alexandria, Al Hamaam(on the rout to Alexandria) , Ghaza and London. The reason such spots were chosen for filming was their close resemblance of some areas in Ghaza. As for the tunnels, most of them were artificially constructed due to the difficulty of filming in the real tunnels.

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