New series for Sherif Monir starts shooting after Eid

  • News
  • 07:07 PM - 22 August 2011
  • 1 photo

Star Sherif Monir has decided to start shooting the scenes of his new series called “The Slap” directly after Eid. Director Magdi Abu Emaira has acquired all the necessary approvals to start filming the series. The series “The Slap” is the replay of a true story that happened in 1967 that portrays one of the successes of the Egyptian intelligence during that time.There had been some nominees to costar with actor Sherif Monir , such as Hussein Fahmy, Ola Ghanem and Mohamed Ragab, but the rest of the cast have not been chosen yet. “The Slap” is written by Ahmed Abdel Fatah and directed by Magdi Abu Emaira.

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