Singer Ramy Ayaash performing a concert during Eid in Turkey, then moves on to start shooting his new song.

  • News
  • 08:02 PM - 28 August 2011
  • 2 photos

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On the third day of Eid, Lebanese pop star Ramy Ayaash is performing a private concert in Turkey. He is then taking off to Cairo for interviews and workshops with Lebanese directors and script writers to choose the best video for his new song “Longer Nights” “Taal El Sahar”Ramy is shooting a video clip for this song based on a survey that took place on his website on face book where his fans voted for shooting a video clip for this song. This song is one in many in his new album “Gharami Ayash” . Ramy is still adding his final touches to 2 more new songs in his album which is supposed to be ready by the end of this year.

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