Medhat El Adl writes a series about " President Mubarak" starring Ahmed Shaker

  • News
  • 08:34 AM - 11 September 2011
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Script writer Medhat El Adl stated that he has begun writing a story that portrays the biography of the late Egyptian president “Hosni Mubarak”, starring actor Ahmed Shaker.The series will portray his whole life story starting from childhood, college, the war and all the way to presidency in 1981 and until his removal during the 25th of January revolution.In an interview with “The Seventh Day” newspaper actor Ahmed Shaker stated that both he and the script writer agreed that the series is not aiming to abuse or promote for Mubarak, but rather convey the truth as it is. The series will attempt to show how Mubarak has transformed from a popular president loved by everyone to one whom the people disliked.

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