Actor Ahmed Helmy buys “Diamond’s Sand”

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  • 09:54 PM - 16 September 2011
  • 1 photo

According to novelist Ahmed Mourad’s statement to Al shorook Newspaper, actor Ahmed Helmy bought the copy rights of the novel “Diamond’s Sand” through his production company Shadows. His intention is to turn the novel into a movie.Ahmed Mourad (author of the novel) also added that he has completed writing the script for the movie. There have not been any plans as to when the filming of the movie will start. The novel was written in the year 2010 and was issued in 3 editions by “Dar El Sherook”.The movie is about “Taha El Zahar” who is a marketing agent to a pharmaceutical company who discovers that the law does not apply to corrupt people. It is then that he sets out to kill them using an unknown chemical substance.

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