Ezz starts filming "Aziz's Dream" after completing "The Interest"

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  • 02:02 PM - 21 September 2011
  • 1 photo

Actor Ahmed Ezz is preparing for his role in the new movie "Aziz's Dream" as soon as he finishes his current movie "The Interest" alongside Ahmed El Sakka. He did not yet schedule times to start filming it because he is still involved in filming his current movie "The Interest"Aziz's Dream is written by Khaled Diab and directed by Amr Arafa.It is a social comedy portraying the life of a corrupt individual in the society and all the events that result in this life style. Ezz stated in an interview to "Al Masry Al Yoom" newspaper that the character that is portrayed in the movie is by no means related to the revolution or anyone from the old regime. He also added that no actors have been nominated yet as the script is not yet complete and it would be too soon to choose anyone at the moment.Ahmed Ezz's current movie "The Interest" for director Sandra Nashaat has been on pause for many months due to the political instability the country was going through. Filming will resume on Thursday 22nd of September.

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