Egyptian singer Ihab Tawfik denies being jealous from singer Wael Gassar.

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  • 05:11 PM - 24 September 2011
  • 1 photo

In an interview with “For Her” magazine Egyptian singer Ihab Tawfik denied ever being jealous of Lebanese singer Wael Gassar. He explains that he has presented religious songs way before he did four years ago. Ihab also added that his album is entirely different to that of Wael’s. Wael’s album is more of a factual and educational style while his album is more focused on praise. Ihab believes that competition is necessary between people as long as there is no jealousy. He insisted that he is not jealous in any way from Gassar.Ihab Twafik’s album that was released end of Ramadan is the first cooperation between Delica Productions, and the first time for Ihab to work with composer Ashraf Salem and poet Wael El Gheriyani

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