Iyad Nassar looses 10 kilos for his new movie “Dead Body”

  • News
  • 02:37 PM - 25 September 2011
  • 1 photo

Jordanian actor Iyad Nassar has recently accepted a starring role in the movie “Dead Body” to become his first starring role in the Egyptian cinema. Iyad chose this script after reading many different offers and scripts from other producers, as he has truly demonstrated his unique dramatic ability. The movie is about a news photographer who catches a crime on tape. He is then dragged into the murder and caught up in the midst of all the events while he is unaware of what is truly going on. In a statement made to ‘Al Masry Al Yom’ newspaper , Iyad said that he lost 10 kilos because this was a requirement for the role he will play in the movie. He added that he is currently taking photography sessions because it also directly affects his role as a photographer in the movie, and that he should be aware of all the camera gadgets and techniques. The movie is written by Amr Salama and directed by karim El Adl, and co staring Tunisian actress Dorra and Horreya Farghali and singer Ahmed Fahmy.

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