Al Jasmy breaks up with Rotana

  • News
  • 04:50 PM - 25 September 2011
  • 2 photos

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In a casual manner, the Emirati singer Hussein Al Jasmy terminated his contract with Rotana Productions represented by Salem El Hindi, after a cooperation that lasted for 10 years. Both had met in Al Jasmy’s office in Dubai and coordinated in a way to achieve the best interest for both sides, and finally decided to terminate the contract ending it on a friendly note.Ending the joint venture that lasted for 10 years doesn’t necessarily end the relationship between Hussein and Rotana. They still have a lot of common grounds such as concerts and events in which they both participate in. Both sides are keen to keep the relationship on good terms. Hussein Al Jasmy and Rotana had achieved many successes in the past, which paved the path for Hussein to Arab and Gulf stardom, under the umbrella of this giant media company. According to Hussein this will always “be a good memory that helped my progress and supported me”Currently, Hussein is releasing his new album in a matter of days that contains 11 songs, some of which have been released to the media before and have made top hits, and others that are new.

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