Actress Dorra refuses to impersonate the ex first lady because of her resentment towards the Ex President’s wife.

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  • 02:19 PM - 28 September 2011
  • 1 photo

Actress Dorra denied all rumors that said that she will be impersonating the role of ex first lady of Tunisia Layla El Tarabulsi wife of the ex Tunisian President Zein El Abedeen Bin Ali, or even the Egyptian ex first lady “Susan Mubarak” wife of ex Egyptian president “Hosni Mubarak” claiming that none of this is even true of subject to sarcasm. Dorra explained that maybe the rumors came from the time she was interviewed in a TV program and was asked which characters would she prefer to impersonate if she was given a choice between the 2 and she chose Layla El Tarabulsi only because of the fact that she is also Tunisian and she is more able to understand her background and her negative influence in handling and interfering in the country’s political affairs which led to its downfall. Yet, in an interview with “Al Sherook” newspaper Dorra refused to portray the character of Layla El Tarabulsi because she hated her so much, and could not possibly display the human side of her. When she was asked what she would do if she were the wife of a president, Dorra replied, that she would stay as far as she can from politics and interfering in the country’s political affairs. Instead she will occupy her time with charity work and enhancing health and education.

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