A new problem awaits singer Tamer Hosni because of the song “Betesaab Alaiki”

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  • 01:00 PM - 3 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Singer Tamer Hossni is currently facing a problem with the song “Betesaab Alaiki” that appeared on the internet sung with his voice yet it was released in Mohamed Khairy’s album distributed differently.Producer Mohamed Hamed stated to that he was shocked as soon as he heard the song in Tamer Hosni’s voice on the internet. He wondered why Tamer would attempt such a scam. The song originally belongs to Mohamed Khairy who is still at the beginning of his career.Some people say there is no comparison between Tamer Hossni and Mohamed Khairy , the latter shouldn’t compare himself with Tamer. In reality, it is not about comparison, but more about what is fair.Producer Mohamed Hamed took the case to Iman El Bahr Darwish “Chief of Musicians” and Iman promised to look further into the matter, but up till now Hamed is still waiting for an answer.

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