Legendary Mohamed Monir races through time to complete “O People of the Arabs” before Eid Al Adha.

  • News
  • 02:39 PM - 4 October 2011

Inside Osama Al Hindi’s studio singer Monir has been working round the clock in a race through time to complete his album “O People of the Arabs”. He wants to be able to record it and advertise it before its release in Eid Al Adha.This album was postponed once before, when it was supposed to be released during Eid Al Fetr and Monir postponed it till Eid Al Adha 2 months later. He explained himself by his desire to produce an outstanding album, being his first album after the revolution.Monir had declared earlier that this specific album will be entirely different to any previous album in the past. The album will celebrate equality, social justice and freedom, and the new countries that rose from the ruins of the old. Monir is currently working with Arabika Productions, to distribute his album which will contain 10 songs. Producer Mohamed Yassin, owner of the company stated that he will devote all human and materialistic resources to ensure that the album will create a breath taking effect.

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