Director of " Shafik and Metwally" postpones the series to Ramadan 2013

  • News
  • 03:46 PM - 5 October 2011
  • 1 photo

The director Hosny Saleh expressed his wish to turn the biography of Shafika and Metwally into a TV series. Though the movie of this tale directed by Aly Badrakhan made a huge success back in 1978. The story keeps a very rich and challenging turns to it making it appealing to directors like Saleh.Saleh decided to give this series it's right size by dedicating sufficient time and effort that it deserves, thus the due date of Ramadan 2013. Till now the director has not found the right script writer who will be suitable in bringing his vision about the story to life. In addition to all the other production issues are still a work in progress.Saleh's vision about this wealthy historic story is to make it in the form of a musical tale told by a narrator, Mohamed Monir, where Somaia Elkhashab taking the role of Shafika and Asser Yassin embodying Metwally's role. but Yassin has not confirmed his commitment to the project yet.

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