Saad El Sagheer is a taxi driver in the summer of 2012

  • News
  • 05:37 AM - 9 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Singer Saad El Sagheer plays the role of a taxi driver in the movie “One and a Half Hours” that will be released during the summer of 2012. His role includes 3 scenes like every other actor in this movie because the film is a joint stardom combining many actors.The movie is about the infamous Upper Egypt train trip that ended drastically with a terrifying accident. It is starring Fathi Abdel Wahab, Somaya El Khashaab, Jumana Mourad, Haitham Ahmed Zaki, Hala Fakher. The movie is written by Ahmed Abdulla and directed by Wael Ihssan.Saad’s recent movie was called “Al Haram Street”. It was released during Eid Al Fitr, making it the top in the Egyptian box office cashing the highest revenues, even though this movie was the most criticized amongst all the movies that were released during the same time.

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