The Misr International Films company, run by Youssef Chahine, will be organizing the fourth round of the European Film Panorama in Cairo from the 23rd to the 29th of November. It will be held at Galaxy Cinema, City Stars, and other theaters around the capital.The round will be divided into four sections, the first of which will be showing the latest award-winning European films. The second section would encompass revolutions all around the world through documentaries or feature-films, some of which have been shot by young Egyptian filmmakers. The third section will be focused on documentary films and the fourth would revolve around educational awareness films for school students. This session round of the Panorama hosts the French director Roman Jobel, who is known around the world by the title "activist director". He started out as a filming manager before being a director's assistant to Roamn Pulanski, Jean-Luc Godard, and a number of well established directors. He shot his first long feature film "Death at the Age of 30" in 1982, which won the Golden Camera award in Cannes, and the Ceasar award for the best first work category.In 1989, he directed two films, "Mama" and "Death for Death". He also had a documentary film shown, titled "Mere Coincidense", at the directors' week in the Cannes festival. He acted in a number of motion pictures including "The Beauty of Venus", "To My Sister" and "The Pharmacy's Gang", and in 2010 he presented his film "Raise Your Hands" which dealt with the expulsion of illegal immigrants' kids from schools.