Ghada Abdel and her daughter are the brides for the New Year.

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  • 09:35 AM - 20 October 2011
  • 1 photo

After working so hard on her many projects, series and movies, actress Ghada Abdel Razik decided to take a long break to prepare for her marriage in February. Earlier she had announced her engagement to Mohamed Fouda.On another note, Ghada is also celebrating her daughter’s wedding earlier than hers in January, where she explained it will be a very simple celebration with only the bride’s and groom’s families. Ghada had recently attended an honorary ceremony for the series “Samara” at Leones club after being invited by star Smair Sabry, who also invited her fiancé Mohamed Fouda.Her movie “Palm of the Moon” also played in the opening during the Alexandria International Cinema Festival for the Mediterranean countries.

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