3 reasons why actress Ghada Abdel Razek is living the best time of her life

  • News
  • 02:44 PM - 21 October 2011
  • 1 photo

During a celebration that was held at one of the big hotels in Cairo to celebrate the completion of the series “Samara” that combined all the cast and crew and everyone involved in the series. Actress Ghada Abdel Razek was extremely joyful. When asked about the reason. She pointed to her ring and said that she got engaged to Mohamed Fouda and will soon be married to him, probably in February.Ghada said that there were no grand festivities for the engagement party since the wedding will follow directly. She added that it was just a small dinner with both the groom and bride’s families.Her second reason of happiness as mentioned by Ghada was due to the fact that her daughter Rotana is also getting married a month earlier than she is in January, to sergeant Hamed El Shaal.Finally, her last reason of happiness is her satisfaction that this is the most fulfilling period in her life especially on a professional level. She is excited about the success of her series “Samara” following that her movie “Palm of the Moon” and all the media and compliments she got because of them at the Alexandria International Cinema Festival. She is also currently preparing for a new television series for the upcoming Ramadan.

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