Script writer Waheed Hamed will temporarily stop writing.

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  • 07:23 PM - 22 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Infamous script writer Waheed Hamed had made a decision to stop writing for some time, whether for the television of cinema. He believes that the economic recession is not only affecting the media industry, but everything else as well after the Egyptian revolution. According to his statement to “Al Yom Al Sabeai” Hamed explained that he will return to writing when things settle down and go back to normal and when production is surefire and not a venture into the unknown accompanied by many risks. Hamed will also start writing when uncovers new projects and ideas to write about. He adds that the situation changes constantly and the choice of production must be agreeable to the current events as well as audience. Waheed Hamed’s most recent productions was a series called “Al Gamaa” or “The Muslim Brotherhood” which is a biography of the life of Hassan Al Banna the creator of the brotherhood. The series played during Ramadan 2010 and was a big success. According to him there will be a part 2.

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