Tamer Hosni, a guest of honor at the “Art and Word Festival” in Beirut.

  • News
  • 02:33 PM - 27 October 2011
  • 1 photo

The administration of the “Art and Word Festival” the yearly festival that is being held in Beirut the capital of Lebanon, chose actor and singer Tamer Hosni to be its guest of honor this year. He is one of many Arab and Middle Eastern singers who are attending the festival this year.The festival deploys artistic and social activities based on the public Lebanese issues, within an integrated program. The aim of these activities is to bring the views of the people together and reject prejudice and intolerance in Lebanon.Participating in the festival are many predominant military and political celebrities. The speech in the opening ceremony of the festival is made by a representative of the president himself. It has not been confirmed yet whether Tamer will participate in the event or decline.

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