Sherif Monir clarifies his movie “The Slap” and waits for filming to start after Eid

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  • 06:12 AM - 28 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Currently actor Sherif Monir is waiting for approval from director Magdi Abu Emaira or the producing company for his new series “The Slap” to commence filming in order to be able to release the series during Ramadan 2012. In a statement he made to the news paper “Al Yoom Al Sabei” he said that actor Hussein Fahmy and all the other unofficial nominees such as Khaled Nabawi and Mohamed Ragab will not be joining him in the series. However, Sherine Reda and Haitham Zaki will be his costars in the series.The series was postponed and delayed since last year because of the nature of its sensitive content. It discusses the Egyptian intelligence and the heroics of one of its agents from the period between the 1950’s until right before the October war with Israel. The censorship committee had disapproved the script earlier on, because it required consent from many different governmental institutions. Now that the script received the proper confirmation, the series is being prepared for.Sherif Monir’s most recent series was called “Outside the World” during 2010 also for director Magdi Abu Emaira and scriptwriter Ahmed Abdel Fatah.

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