The series “Robe Mashakel” or “A Quarter of the Problems” starts filming.

  • News
  • 06:07 PM - 30 October 2011
  • 4 photos

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The cast and crew for the sit com “A Quarter of the Problems” commenced working on the scenes in the series in the Cairo Studios after the first part of the series was a success. It played on the national televisions and in many channels in Egypt and the Arab world. The comedy portrays the issues and problems with Egypt and the Arab world in sarcastic and innovative manner. The series was given the golden award at the Cairo Festival for Arab media 2010. Part 2 of the series continues the funny events that take place whether in the hospital with Dr. Abdel Shafi or in the talk show with TV Host Om Meshmesh, and between the grandson and grandfather Laishaa and Samaan. Part 2 includes new characters and situations from the reality of the social life in the Arab world. The series stars Mona Hala, Khaled Elaish, Doaa Teaima, and directed by Basel Mubarak, and produced by Ahmed Fahmy. That same cast had previously entertained us through their programs such as “Lamba Show”, “Nashret Akhbar Al Khamesa wal Eshreen” and “Mona Tof”

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