Salah El Sadaany’s program on “El Mehwar” channel canceled due to dispute of the wage.

  • News
  • 07:04 AM - 4 November 2011
  • 1 photo

Actor Salah El Saadany had started to prepare for his new program on “El Mehwar” channel acting as a host and presenter in the program, when the channel decided to freeze the program until further notice. found out from sources inside the station that the real reason for this unexpected action was a dispute over El Saadany’s wage. Where he had asked for 30,000 Egyptian pounds per episode and the station was only willing to offer half that amount.El Saadany was scheduled to present 2 episodes per week making his wage per month a total of 240 thousand Egyptian pounds, which is considered a lot for his first time trial as a presenter in a program. A few months ago El Saadany had presented a program on “Modern Horreya” channel called “El Laila Ya Omda” and his wage was up to 50 thousand Egyptian pounds per episode. Only for the program to discontinue due to financial difficulties the station was undergoing.

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