Sherine surprises her audience with Cleopatra poster

  • News
  • 05:49 PM - 4 November 2011
  • 1 photo

A severe case of surprise seized the fans of the well-known star, Sherine Abdelwahab, after Rotana has released the first poster for her new album. Perhaps it was a "teaser" poster that Sherine intended for testing the audience's reaction to releasing her new album at the current time.Sherine hasn't used any teaser posters before, but she might be doign so this time out of fear that her album won't realize enough revenues because of releasing it in the midst of the current political atmosphere that Egypt and the Arab world is passing through. Despite that, her audience's surprise could be attributed to the new look of Queen Cleopatra which she assumed in the poster.Sherine has finished recording her album in full, which includes ten songs, two of them have been shot in video clips with the director Walid Nassif in Beirut. The album is expected to be released in the short period to come.

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