Ghada Abdel Razek intensifies work sessions to complete the series “Premeditation” and the contract signing procedure.

  • News
  • 05:07 AM - 6 November 2011
  • 2 photos

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Daily intensified workshops are being held between actress Ghada Abdel Razek and both actor Maged El Masry and script writer Ayman Salama to complete the fine details left in the series “Premeditation” and finish signing off any contracts for actors involved in the series. Ghada is trying to complete all those duties so that when director Mohamed Samy returns from the US directly after Eid they can start shooting the series. “Premeditation” is the first dramatic production for the CBC television broadcasting station; the series is scheduled to play during Ramadan 2012.Ghada Abdel Razek’s most recent movie is “Palm of the Moon” directed by Khaled Youssef. She is also waiting for the release of another movie “Raklam” with costars Ola Ramy and Madeline Tabar.

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