Hend Sabry: I will try to visit Kenya soon

  • News
  • 01:13 PM - 6 November 2011
  • 1 photo

As part of her continuous efforts in being active as an ambassador of the United Nation's World Food Program, Tunisian artist Hend Sabry said that she intends to go to Kenya soon, to visit a Somali refugee camp there which is considered to be one of the largest refugee camps in the world. Hend has stated that she tried to visit both Somalia and Yemen before, but the security warnings of the UN stood in the way of her achieving that.Hend also pointed out that the idea of making this visit occurred to her as she personally followed the escape of more than a million Libiyans to the Tunisian border, and the manner with which the Tunisians received them, providing more than 2.5 million meals daily through the World Food Program. It is this which has also pushed her to broadcasting her gratitude to the Tunisian people and the World Food Program, in short yet expressive sentences, such as "From the thousands who left Libya for Tunis' embrace, thank you Tunis. And from the United Nations relief agencies, thank you Tunis.". This was broadcasted by Mosaic FM two days ago and will continue to be broadcasted for about a week more.It's worth noting that Hend recently came back from London and Abu Dhabi after her film "Asmaa" was screened there. she had stated in previous statements to that she's very happy about the critics' and audience's reaction, and that she awaits getting to know the reaction of the Egyptian and Arab audience as well."Asmaa" is starring Hend Sabry, Maguid Alkedwany and Hany Adel. It is written and directed by Amr Salama.

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