Actor Mahmoud Hemaida prepares to present “Omar al Mokhtar” in Ramadan 2012.

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  • 06:09 AM - 12 November 2011
  • 1 photo

After he declined from participating in the series “The Good Nile” a couple of weeks ago, actor Mahmoud Hemaida prepares for his historical epic series depicting the biography of one of the most significant characters in the history of Libya the Martyr “Omar Al Mokhtar” during Ramadan 2012.Now that the script for the series is complete, the only thing left is to find the right production house to take it on, since the production involves high costs between décor, costumes and locations. Script writer Tarek El Badawi, wishes to complete the series before Ramadan so it can have its chance to play during the season. The movie makers were inspired by the success of the Libyan revolution, and feel that now is the right time to present such epic, especially since the revolutionists were using the term “Sheikh Al Mujahedeen” meaning Omar Al Mokhtar, very frequently.The biography of historical legend “Omar Al Mokhtar” was previously portrayed in a movie directed by the Syrian director Mustafa El Akkad and starring the late legend Anthony Quin, the movie was called “The Desert’s Lion” or “Assad Al Saharaa”.

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