Latifa: “Bokra” won’t shine before liberating Palestine.

  • News
  • 07:16 PM - 15 November 2011
  • 3 photos

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Tunisian artist and singer Latifa was one of many Arab singers that participated in the musical “Bokra” or “Tomorrow” that was compiled and prepared and released in Dubai UAE. Some of the many Arab artists that were involved were Tamer Hosni, Sherine Abdel Wahab and Kazem El Saher.The concert was grand with many International and Arab celebrities attending to show support and appreciation. Latifa was a star amongst many. The concert was an optimistic expression for a better future in the Arab world after the many revolutions. However, Latifa insisted to convey one message through her outfit which was designed with a Palestinian scarf. Her message was that “Bokra” or “Tomorrow” won’t shine without liberating Palestine.

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