The Musician’s union in solidarity with the rebels of Tahrir and condemns violence against them.

  • News
  • 06:11 PM - 23 November 2011
  • 2 photos

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Just like both the Cinema union and actors union, the musician’s union directed by musician Iman El Bahr Darwish announced yesterday in an official statement that they are in total solidarity with the requests of the people in Tahrir, from those requests are “equality, justice and a decent life”. They condemn the violence and how the peaceful protestors were brutally handled, leading to a death toll of 50 in the last couple of days.Some fragments of the speech that Iman El Bahr Darwish gave was as follows: “The Musician’s union denounces everything going on in Tahrir that took place against our fellow Egyptians and families who were there. There is no reason to use such excessive force against protestors which led to the massacre of many young people. The union refuses that Egyptian be treated in this barbaric non civilized way. This will lead to a real tragedy and in the end justice and equality will prevail.”The statement also included; “Those who died in Tahrir will end up in heaven because they died for freedom, equality, justice and a decent life. As for the ones help kill them, those will end up in hell. Have pride martyrs and their families and remember what “Omar Ibn El Khattab said : We don’t give up, we win or die”

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