Ragheb Allama celebrates liberation day in Qatar and spends a day in the Lebanese school there.

  • News
  • 02:10 PM - 24 November 2011
  • 10 photos

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Lebanese singer Ragheb Allama recently visited Qatar for 2 days to celebrate the Lebanese liberation day there through a concert he was involved in; the event was organized by the Lebanese embassy in Qatar. A quarter of the revenues of the concert went to support the Lebanese school in Qatar.The Lebanese community in Qatar really enjoyed the concert where they were heard singing with him all his new and old songs in the celebration that lasted almost until dawn.The next day Ragheb was to visit the Lebanese school. His visit brought joy to many of those attending the school and they all gathered around him for memorial photographs and autographs inside the school which was prepared and decorated especially for Ragheb. Ragheb Allama, who owns his own schools back in Lebanon, gave a speech about the importance of education and its value.

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