Horreya Farghali denies rumors of her engagement to Haitham Zaki and declares that these rumors caused an up rise within her family.

  • News
  • 03:40 PM - 1 December 2011
  • 1 photo

Actress Horreya Farghali made a statement to site denying all rumors that claimed that she was engaged to actor Haitham Ahmed Zaki. She added that the rumors that spread yesterday infuriated her because it resulted in arguments within her family. Horreya explained that this rumor has no evidence what so ever, she hasn’t met Haitham for over a month. In addition, she is worried that it will cause problems with Haitham if he is in a relationship just like it has already created a big dispute in her home. Horreya is seriously considering not being involved in any joint future work with Haitham as that might seriously affect their friendship.Horreya and Haitham’s most recent movie together was the movie “Palm of the Moon” for director Khaled Youssef, and script writer Naser Abdel Rahman.

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