Randa Bheiri begins horseback riding and shooting practices as a preparation for a new project

  • News
  • 05:43 PM - 10 December 2011
  • 1 photo

The artist Randa Bheiri announced to that she started practicing two types of sports, shooting at El-Seed Club which is a preparation to enter a large contest and she trains in a private place of hers in Masr El-Gedeeda on horseback riding as a preparation for a new artistic project which she refused to say anything about and confirmed that it is an exciting different surprise by a new production company as a its first work.It is worth mentioning that Randa is filming her part in a new cinematic movie “Al-Almany” in front of its star Mohamed Ramadan, Aida Riad and Ahmed Bedier. The story revolves around a guy who lives in the slums and known by Al-Almany a criminal who tries to reach the top by illegal ways.

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