Ghada Adel joins Ahmed Al-Sakka in starring for “Al-Khotoot El-Hamra” or “Red Lines”

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  • 06:04 PM - 11 December 2011
  • 1 photo

The director Ahmed Shafiq singled out to announce through it on the actress that will be the star of his new serial that he returns with to the small screen “Red Lines” with the star Ahmed Al-Sakka to be Ghada Adel.Shafiq said that Ghada agreed to the role after long negotiations between her and the serial production company.He added that the scriptwriter Ahmed Abu Zeid finished writing 10 episodes only, and the rest of the episodes writing are scheduled to be done early next January to start filming in January 20th.He will be filming in more than one place in Egypt, including South Sinai, Luxor and Aswan as well as outside Egypt in European countries.As director Ahmed Shafiq said that the stage of stars nominations is not done yet until now, the stars that signed for this work with the producer are Ahmed Rizk, Ahmed Saadani, Dina Fouad and others.It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time for both Ghada Adel and Ahmed Al-Sakka to work together as they acted in “Middle East guy in the American University” and “Consul’s Son” movies.

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