Rasha Mahdi demands Egyptians to good selection of their representatives in the elections without pressure

  • News
  • 04:44 PM - 12 December 2011
  • 1 photo

Artist Rasha Mahdi asked the people on “Facebook” and “Twitter” through her personal account to educate people around them who do not know reading and writing, and also those who have weak culture that their voices are honesty and they must choose on their own without any pressure who will solve their problems and provide a way of living.She said “You are from the educated minority, try to enlighten 5 simple people around you in the street, your voice is honesty and your knowledge is a message” … And confirmed her happiness with the large attendance of Egyptians in elections first phase, which indicates great awareness of the importance to participate in political life and have a voice that determines your future, and hopes that in the second and third phase attendees will be larger than Egyptian people and with the same civilized form witnessed in the first phase … She confirmed that she will vote in the second phase.Rasha is preparing for her role in the new serial “Safaea” or “Slap” with director Magdy Abu Amirah in the end of this month with actors Sherif Mounir and Ola Ghanem.

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