Alaa Al-Sherif: Al-Almany movie premiere in mid-season … financial disputes reason for Randa El-Bheiri apology

  • News
  • 10:54 PM - 14 December 2011
  • 2 photos

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The author and director Alaa Al-Sherif confirmed that “Al-Almany” movie will be displayed during next half-year holiday season based on the deal between him and the distributor Hisham Abdel Khaliq.He said that there is another working session that will gather him with Triple Company for distribution parties during the next week to agree on the final release date after the clarification of the films that will be released during the same period.Alaa confirmed that the financial disputes are the reason for Randa apology for not doing the role, pointing that this apology did not cause any problems for both and their working relationship will not be affected by such situations, noting that the role has been given to Syrian artist Rania Mallah.It is worth mentioning that the film revolves around a young man who lives in the slums and is known by “Al-Almany” a criminal who is trying to reach the top illegally.

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