Lamita Franjieh withdrawal from “Ezz Grandson”

  • News
  • 03:16 PM - 17 December 2011
  • 2 photos

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had the knowledge from its own sources that Lebanese artist Lamita Franjieh withdrew from participating in “Ezz Grandson” new serial, as she disagreed with “Dana” Production Company on some role details and salary.The serial is being filmed now inside Al-Ahram studio after stopping for two days because of the parliamentary elections at the request of star Ashraf Abdel Baqi to participate in second phase of elections, and continue filming for two weeks.“Ezz Grandson” serial starring Ashraf Abdel Baqi, Lotfi Labib, Edward, Nehal Anbar and Marehan Hussien, written by Joseph Fawzi, directed by Michael Baouh and produced by Dana for Art Production. It revolves around the relationship between men and women in different ages, through monuments box that Ashraf Abdel Baqi inherits and can return to different times through each monument like Pharaonic era and French revolution.

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