Ashraf Abdel Ghafour will resign the advisory board if the military does not cease fire and stop brutality against protestors

  • News
  • 10:18 AM - 20 December 2011
  • 1 photo

Ashraf Abdel Ghafour director of the Actors Union announced that he condemns the acts of violence used by the military towards protestors. He added that if these atrocities do not stop he will have to resign from his position in the advisory board that was created by the military just a few weeks ago.Ashraf explained in a statement to “Al Masry Al Yoom” newspaper that the advisory board was created in coordination with the military to resolve and handle problems of all kinds. Ignoring the advisory board’s recommendation in such a situation only means that its existence is useless. Ashraf added that he agreed to be in the board initially to represent the artists, which he believed was a good gesture showing the appreciation of art in our country. However, at the moment art is not the issue, but rather the safety of the civilians who are being massacred, murdered and sexually harassed in broad day light.

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