Randa joins “Ezz Grandson” serial

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  • 04:17 PM - 21 December 2011
  • 1 photo

Director Michael Baouh has chosen Randa El-Bheiri to play the role of a TV presenter “Dana” in the new Ramadan serial “Ezz Grandson”. Dana comes from an aristocratic family and is strongly associated with her friend, which is played by actress Marehan Hussien, a lot of situations happen between them in a comedy setting.Randa started filming her role with the serial actors; Ashraf Abdel Baki, Marehan Hussien, Lotfi Labib, Saaed Tarabeek, Mahmoud El-Bzawi and Manar Al-Attar. It is written by Joseph Fawzi and produced by “Dana” Company.The movie revolves around the relationship between men and women in different eras, through a box of monuments that Ashraf Abdel Baki inherits, which can turn him back in time, like the Pharaonic era and the French Revolution.Lebanese artist Lamita Franjieh will not continue filming her role in the serial.

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