Carol Sakr commemorating the departure of director Yahia Saeada

  • News
  • 04:18 PM - 25 December 2011
  • 6 photos

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Artists and singers did not attend the anniversary of the late Lebanese director Yahia Saeada, which was held in a Mass in St. Doumit in Zouk Mikael area in Lebanon.It was limited to relatives and friends, as artist Carol Sakr was among them, who dedicated a special song clip “Fleet Besoraa Kter”, written by Katherine Maus, composed by Selim Assaf and distributed by Hady Sharara.It is worth mentioning that the clip was filmed by Yahia Saeada’s team, who were cooperating with him in his “Offer Beirut” company. It was supervised by his sister and business manager Eman Saeada. The clip was marked with his touches to the extent that those present thought the scenes were filmed before the departure of the deceased.

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