With video: Amr Diab displays Banadeek Taala clip

  • News
  • 05:04 PM - 26 December 2011
  • 1 photo

Rotana displayed a promo for “Banadeek Taala” new song clip for superstar Amr Diab from his latest album that has the same name and was launched last September. As a dedication to his audience for the New Year, the song will be displayed in New Year’s Eve on Rotana channels. It was filmed in Dubai by director Cameron Casey, who collaborated with Amr in more than one clip like; “Leely Nahary” and “Wayah”.The song is written by Tamer Hussien, composed by Amr Diab and distributed by Adel Heki.Amr is preparing to perform a New Year’s Eve concert in Ritz Kirlton Hotel in Dubai, sponsored by Rotana his albums producers.

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