Oscar accuses journalist Mohamed Zaki Mohamed

  • News
  • 05:38 PM - 28 December 2011
  • 2 photos

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Oscar Company made a complaint number 7568 dated 12.27.2011 to Al-Sayeda Zeinab police station to preserve its rights against journalist Mohamed Zaki Mohamed resident in 52 Helwan St. Munira, Al-Sayeda Zeinab, in order to prevent blackmail attempts and to take legal measures. It is accusing him of false complaint, libel and defamation, claiming to provide “Banat Al-Am” movie story copy to Oscar Company exclusively in August 2010.The journalist had announced that, to the newspapers and websites. He also filed a complaint number 3489 for 2011 in Cairo court for urgent matters about this case.It is worth mentioning that “Banat Al-Am” movie is starring the trio “Ahmed Fahmy”, “Hesham Maged” and “Shiko”, also participating great actor Salah Abdullah, Ayten Amer and Youssra Al-Lozi. It is written by the trio and directed by Ahmed Samir Farag.

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