Mai Selim releases the promotion for her song “Kalam Keteer” and prepares for her new album

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  • 03:54 PM - 29 December 2011
  • 1 photo

Singer Mai Selim released the promotion for her new song “Kalam Keteer” from the album “Leena Kalam Baadain” so she can officially release it on New Years on the satellite channels. The song’s lyrics are written by Mohamed Atef , music composition by Mohamed Yehia and distributed by Toma.Mai also started workshops with several poets and musicians to choose the songs she will include in her upcoming album that will be released in August.Mai had recently gave birth to a baby girl “Lily” and it was then that she announced that she will be resuming her work starting with the first concert on New Year’s Eve at the “Lycee Horreya School” in Alexandria.

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