Al Jasmy in Borj Khalifa for his 2011 concerts closure

  • News
  • 04:03 PM - 31 December 2011
  • 10 photos

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Hussein Al Jasmy completed his final concert for the year 2011 at Borj Khalifa in front of more than 4000 audience. Al Jasmy sang many of his famous songs such as “Bahr El Shoo”, “6 el Sobh”, “Meta meta”, “Bahebek Wahashteeni” and “Enta kafi” and many more.Attending the concert was Kuwaiti actor Mohamed El Mansour who went to the stage to personally thank Al Jasmy. Al Jasmy paid special thanks to “Imar” company and “Sport Light” for organizing the event. Finally, he asked the press and photographers to take a group photo of him and his team, wishing the Arab world tranquility and peace.

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